Dr Ian Roberts
95481666 Fax 95584510 ​

Please ring 95481666 for an appointment. See also our page on Covid 19. Emergencies will always be given priority. Longer consultation times are available if required.
Telephone Access
The doctor can be contacted by phone during surgery hours. At times it may be necessary for the doctor to return your call. You will always be put through in an emergency.
Home Visits
Most home visits are done between 12 and 2pm, so it is advisable to ring in the morning to arrange this. Visits can also be arranged in an emergency , during office hours.
After Hours
On phoning the surgery after hours you will get a recorded message. This will tell you how to contact me. If I am unable to be contacted, the locum service, phone 132660, is available to do home visits after hours. In an emergency the ambulance no. is 000
We aim to provide relevant information so that treatment decisions can be made with our patients' understanding and approval.With your approval you may be enrolled in a system of recall for matters that require planned review.
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of the practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this is only available to authorised members of staff.
A copy of or privacy policy is at the front desk to view on request.
Feel free to discuss concerns you may have about any aspects of this practice that you are unhappy about. If there is a concern that you want to raise with an outside authority, contact the Health Services Commissioner 55 Collins St Melbourne 96555200