Dr Ian Roberts
95481666 Fax 95584510 ​

Covid 19 is still a risk in 2024, especially for those over 65 and those with impaired immunity. Covid 19 is also a significant risk factor for heart attack.
Updating Covid vaccination is recommended every 6 months for those over 75 and at least every 12 months for those 65 to 74 years of age,
Anti viral medication can reduce the severity of Covid. These are available for those over 70 and those over 50 with two risk factors for severe disease. If I am unavailable, contact the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department on www.vved.org.au
In keeping with social distancing, some chairs have been removed from the waiting room. These and other surfaces are frequently cleaned with alcohol.
Please stay back from the reception desk.
There are air purifiers in the waiting room and consulting rooms.
Any-one with fever, cough or sore throat are requested to mention this when making an appointment and to phone from the rear car park when they arrive. They will be escorted to a consultation room. They will not go to the reception/ waiting room.